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Causes and Treatments for Your Acne Breakouts

by | Mar 25, 2018 | Uncategorized

Acne is frustrating for everyone. We know the struggle. And perhaps the worst part of it is that none of the over-the-counter products you’ve tried that everyone is raging about are working. Your acne may even be beginning to leave scars. What you might not know is that virtually every case of acne can be successfully treated today.

Not only can dermatologists help treat your existing acne, they can also help prevent new breakouts and significantly reduce your chance of developing scars. If you’re not sure about caring for your acne or skin in general, you should make an appointment to see a dermatologist.


The Truth About Acne

Acne, believe it or not is the most common skin condition in the United States. You can reduce acne simply by being diligent about washing your hands and face twice a day and after sweating. You might not be aware, but when you sweat, especially when you’re wearing a hat or helmet, can make your acne worse, so always wash your skin after prolonged sweating.

If you’re going to put something on your skin, always use gentle products.  Do not use products that irritate your skin. Cracked, red, dry skin makes acne appear much worse. Avoid the temptation to scrub your skin, because believe it or not, scrubbing irritates the skin and also can make acne worse. Shampoo regularly. If you have really oily hair, shampoo at least once daily.

Did you know that popping or squeezing your acne actually makes it worse? Your skin will take longer to clear and you increase your risk of getting acne scars by a pretty significant amount. Touching your skin frequently throughout the day can cause flare-ups in your acne.


Tanning and Acne

It might make you feel beautiful, but…tanning is actually very, very bad for your skin. In addition, some acne medications make the skin very sensitive to ultraviolet light, which you get from both the sun and indoor tanning devices. Wear sunscreen and whatever you do, Don’t visit a tanning salon!  Using tanning beds increases your risk for melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer, by 75%!


Back and Shoulders

Back acne can actually be caused by an allergic reaction to synthetic clothes. If you have small red pimples, then it’s possible you’re having a reaction to cleaning agents or household chemicals. Eating an excessive amount of fatty or greasy foods can also lead to acne breakouts. If you want to avoid these kinds of breakouts, avoid those types of food and see a dermatologist.


Arms and Legs

An acne breakout on your arms can be suggestive of digestive system problems, allergic reactions to washing liquids like detergent, and even antibiotics can cause an acne breakout. The most common reasons why you might have an acne breakout on your legs is tight fitting synthetic clothes and poor hygiene. Pimples can also occur after shaving when you cut hairs with a dull razor or against the growth of the hair follicles, which is never a good idea as it leads to skin irritation and inflammation.

Yes, dealing with acne can be very difficult and frustrating. Especially if you are one of those people constantly dealing with outbreaks. Don’t put up with it when you don’t have to. Talk to your dermatologist about your treatment options today.

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Board-Certified Dermatologist’s | We provide Medical, Cosmetic, Surgical and Advanced Skin Rejuvenation Services Conveniently Located Near the Pinnacle Shopping Center in Trussville.

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