Board-Certified Dermatologists in Birmingham, AL: Medical, Cosmetic & Surgical Dermatology Center. | 5 Min from I459

Skin Cancer Treatment Birmingham, AL

Associated Dermatologists

Skin Cancer Treatment Birmingham, AL

Over one million Americans develop skin cancer each year making it the most common type of cancer.

Individuals with light or fair skin that sunburn easily are most likely to develop skin cancer with repeated sun exposure.  Darker skin tones are less likely, but not exempt from developing skin cancers.

Early detection is key. And that’s why our team of board-certified professionals at Associated Dermatologists is well trained to constantly be on the lookout for early signs of skin cancers, including malignant melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and more.

We’ll make sure you’re equipped to notice the changes in your skin and what causes it, as well as when you should turn to a professional for help.

Skin cancer takes hundreds and even thousands of lives each year around the globe. And we’re ready to put a stop to it with the help of proper and professional preventive care.

Let the experts at Associated Dermatologists help you protect and prevent against skin cancer.

Give us a call TODAY and let’s fight skin cancer together.

Understanding Skin Cancer: Types and Risks

Skin cancer comes in various forms, each with its own set of risks and characteristics. From basal cell carcinoma to melanoma, understanding the different types of skin cancer and their associated risks is crucial for early detection and effective treatment.

Basal Cell Carcinoma

The most common type of skin cancer, although not typically life threatening, is BCC. It appears as a shiny or scaly patch or bump and is pink to red in color. It may bleed and appear to scab over, but it never heals completely. Despite being slow growing, BCC can not only be found on the skin’s surface, but also imbedded in the bone and nerves below if not treated early on. Because of this, it can cause extensive local damage.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma

The second most common skin cancer is Squamous Cell Carcinoma. It appears as a red scaly patch or bump. SCC can spread and become invasive, developing into large masses. Early treatment is especially important.


The second most common skin cancer is Squamous Cell Carcinoma. It appears as a red scaly patch or bump. SCC can spread and become invasive, developing into large masses. Early treatment is especially important.

Malignant Melanoma

The most deadly of all skin cancers is malignant melanoma.  It is estimated that 8,000 Americans die from this deadly cancer each year, and over 108,000 Americans will develop this type of skin cancer annually. Melanoma originates in the skin’s melanocytes.  Melanocytes are the skin cells that produce melanin, a pigment in the skin that makes skin tan.  Melanin is the skin’s protective pigment, and since melanoma cells continue to produce melanin, the cancer appears in a wide spectrum of colors.  The cancer can be in shades of tan, brown, black and even red or white.  Since melanoma can spread, early detection is necessary for a good prognosis. Melanoma may suddenly appear in or near moles and freckles.

It is essential to know the location and size of moles and freckles on your body to detect the sometimes subtle changes in your skin’s color and texture that may represent growing cancer.  Any change in the appearance of a mole or freckle should be promptly examined by a dermatologist.

Melanoma can be treated if caught in its early stages. The most preventable cause of melanoma is excessive sun exposure, especially sunburn. Individuals with lighter skin tones, atypical moles, a large number of moles or a family history of melanoma are more likely to develop melanoma. However, darker skin tones are not exempt from this type of cancer. Even individuals with darker skin may still develop melanoma on the palms of hands, soles of feet, under nails, the mouth or on the genitalia. Knowing the warning signs of skin cancer can greatly aid in the detection and prompt treatment of melanoma. Watch for changes in the appearance of and number of moles. Also, watch for moles that begin to get larger and spread to surrounding skin. Any oozing, bleeding, scaling or new bumps are also warning signs. Even changes in skin sensation such as itching, tenderness or pain could be signs of melanoma.

All skin changes should be brought to the attention of your dermatologist.

Comprehensive Skin Cancer Treatments in Birmingham

Our clinic offers a comprehensive range of skin cancer treatments tailored to each patient’s unique needs. We utilize the latest techniques and technologies to provide optimal outcomes, from surgical excision to advanced therapies. Our team is dedicated to providing prompt and effective treatment for melanoma, the most dangerous type of skin cancer.

Melanoma is a type of skin cancer that develops in the cells that produce pigment in the skin. It can occur anywhere on the body, but it is most commonly found in areas exposed to the sun, such as the face, arms, and legs. While melanoma accounts for only about 1% of all skin cancers, it is responsible for over 75% of deaths related to skin cancer. This makes early detection and prompt treatment crucial for ensuring successful outcomes.

One key aspect of detecting melanoma early is paying attention to changes in moles or other marks on your skin. Keep an eye out for changes in size, shape, color, and any new growths on your skin. It is also essential to regularly check areas commonly exposed to the sun, especially if you have a history of sunburns or excessive sun exposure.

If you notice any concerning changes in your skin, it is essential to see a dermatologist as soon as possible. They will perform a thorough examination and may take a biopsy of the affected area for further testing. If melanoma is detected, prompt treatment can significantly increase the chances of survival.

Specialized Care for Various Skin Cancers

With our team of experienced dermatologists, we provide specialized care for all types of skin cancers. Whether you’re facing basal, squamous, or melanoma, we offer personalized treatment plans to target your specific condition.

We aim to treat the cancer, help you maintain healthy skin, and prevent recurrence.

Treatment options for skin cancer may include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or targeted therapy.

Our team will work closely with you to discuss the best action based on your needs and preferences.

We understand that a cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming, so we strive to provide support and education throughout your journey.

Clinical Expertise in Skin Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment

Our clinicians possess extensive expertise in diagnosing and treating skin cancer. Through thorough clinical assessments and advanced diagnostic tools, we ensure accurate diagnoses and develop tailored treatment strategies for each patient. Our team is also trained in the latest surgical techniques and radiation therapies, allowing us to provide comprehensive care for all types of skin cancer.

Dedicated Support for Skin Cancer Patients in Alabama

Navigating a skin cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming, which is why we offer dedicated support and guidance to our patients throughout their treatment journey. Our compassionate team is here to provide information, answer questions, offer emotional support, and strive for a cure every step of the way.

State-of-the-Art Facilities for Skin Cancer Treatment

At Associated Dermatologist, we are proud to provide state-of-the-art facilities with the latest skin cancer treatment technology. From our advanced surgical suites to cutting-edge therapy options, we prioritize patient safety, comfort, and satisfaction. Our skilled dermatologists are experts in performing procedures such as Mohs surgery, cryotherapy, and photodynamic therapy to treat skin cancer effectively.

If you or a loved one is facing a skin cancer diagnosis, don’t hesitate to reach out to our staff at Associated Dermatologist. Our team is here to provide expert care and support to help you through this challenging time.

About Associated Dermatologists

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